
Infomail Plugin

Kompatibel mit DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" unbekannt
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" unbekannt
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" unbekannt
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" ja

plugin You can send mails directly from your wiki with recommendations for the page viewed

Letzte Aktualisierung
Kollidiert mit
addnewpage, copypage, hidden, sortablejs

Ähnlich zu recommend

Markiert mit email, recommend

Download and Installation

Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


It seems that in Hrun and Ponder Stibbons (I am not sure about older versions), infomail give a conflict with Sortablejs. Infomail will work but Sortablejs will not sort the tables anymore.
Any solutions are welcome. — Florin 2014/11/25 08:27


Syntax and Usage

This plugin is a modification of Adrian Langs recommend-Plugin.


To include the „Mailinfo-Button“ in your template, include the following code in your templates main.php:

/* Remove the if clause to display the button to anonymous users as well. */
if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
    global $lang;
    $lang['btn_infomail'] = 'Infomail';
    echo html_btn('infomail',$ID,null,array('do' => 'infomail', 'id' => $ID));


Vector template

I've integrated this plugin in a box using the following code:

if (file_exists(DOKU_PLUGIN."infomail/action.php") && !plugin_isdisabled("infomail")){
	$_vector_boxes["p-1"]["xhtml"] 	.="	<li id=\"t-infomail\"><a href=\"".wl(cleanID(getId()), array("do" => "infomail", 'id' => $ID))."\" rel=\"nofollow\">".hsc($lang["btn_infomail"])."</a></li>\n";

You will need to add btn_infomail to your lang.php or else replace „.hsc($lang[„btn_infomail“]).“ with some text. — Theo-K 2010/12/22 11:31


confirmation text

If you wish to change the confirmation-text change following lines:

action.php (line 38): echo $this→getLang('confirmation');

lang.php (at the bottom): $lang['confirmation'] = „Ihre Anfrage wurde gerade versendet.“; (when you speek German)

(deshi 25.5.2011)

multiple default email addressess

Is it possible to assign default email addresses, default email text etc?
This would be really helpful :)
Yes, you can add multiple addresses separated by a pipe („|“) to the configuration manager:||…

Button similar to DW2PDF and predefined subject

Hello, great plugin. I use the next trick to put a button to send via mail

    <div class="bar" id="bar__bottom">
      <div class="bar-left" id="bar__bottomleft">
        <?php tpl_button('edit')?>
        <?php tpl_button('history')?>
        <?php tpl_button('revert')?>
        <form class="button" method="get" action="<?php wl($ID)?>">
          <div class="no">
              <input type="submit" value="Enviar a OTRS" class="button" />
              <input type="hidden" name="do" value="infomail" />
              <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $ID?>" />

But can not set lang, instead I modify template.txt

I want assign a predefined subject… for example the the name of the page, how I can make that?